a little before and a little after


Kaffir Lily - schizostylis (Medium)

These two photos show the design of the garden in year 2003.  The idea was that the formal grass paths and small circular lawn gave structure and formality to the planting which was fairly unstructured – because I am a plant lover and have tried to pack in as many plants as possible.  The following year we gave the lawn and path edges a severe trim and there is one photo to demonstrate that (and it was taken in spring, whereas these two were taken in late summer.

feat. Helianthus Lemon Queen (Medium)


There is a sculpture which I got when I worked at Bradley Gardens, and it had been abandoned at the back of the property with some rotting at the base.  It lasted a few years in our garden, and we did rather love it.



I uploaded some photos that Mark took yesterday  to our Day by Day section under 30.4.13.  You can view them here:


The patio is in no state to be called finished, but it is at least a bit tidier than before.  Also Mark has finished the mammoth cutting back task in the lower third of the garden.  We have an old wheelbarrow which we use as a feature, which we are going to refill with new plants this year.  There are also some photos of the veg beds now the potatoes are in.  Jenny and Clive gave use an azada one Christmas, which is a back to front spade – I’ll photograph it another time.  Mark says it is very useful.  The only beds that need a tidy up now are in the middle section where we have three planted area.  One around the garden seat on the zig zag path route, one below that, which is essentially a grass feature, with an ornamental rhubarb incorporated.  We only put that bed together last autumn, so we have the summer viewing of that to look forward to.  Finally we planted up a small semicircular bed below the patio on which the summer house sits and that is a mix of shrubs and perennials.

This entry was posted in Autumn, Flowering plants, Grasses, Plants, Shrubs, Spring, The seasons. Bookmark the permalink.